Authorised Personnel to determine materiality of events

Authorised Personnel to determine materiality of events

A. For the purpose of determining materiality of an event or information and making disclosures to Stock Exchange:

Sr. No. Name and Designation Contact Details
1 Mr. Sanjivkumar N. Patel
Chairman & Managing Director
Rakanpur Factory (Works) at -
805, 806, 807, 810, Rakanpur - 382721,
Via: Sola-Bhadaj Village, Taluka: Kalol,
Dist. Gandhinagar, Gujarat.
Phone No.: +91 2764 286634/35, 286480/81
Email id: [email protected]
2 Mr. Shivang P. Patel
Whole-time Director
3 Mr. Apurva V. Patel
Whole-time Director
4 Mr. Kamlesh R. Shah
Chief Financial Officer

B. For the purpose of disclosure of material events or information to Stock Exchange:

Sr. No. Name and Designation Contact Details
1 Nikhil M. Patel
Company Secretary & Compliance Officer
Rakanpur Factory (Works) at -
805, 806, 807, 810, Rakanpur - 382721,
Via: Sola-Bhadaj Village, Taluka: Kalol,
Dist. Gandhinagar, Gujarat.
Phone No.: +91 2764 286634/35, 286480/81
Email id: [email protected]